Career Advice

Branding Advice for Graduates

17 Jun 2016  

Today more than one thousand students will graduate from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. I’ve taught almost half of them. They will soon start at new jobs, branch out in different industries, and begin careers in cities around the world. It is an exciting moment, transitioning from one thing to the next. It is […]

Brands in the News

Branding Advice for Hillary Clinton

1 Jun 2016  

Last week, I provided some branding advice for Donald Trump. This week, I have some advice for Hillary Clinton. At this point, Hillary certainly needs some assistance. Bernie Sanders continues to do well in the primaries, and Hillary’s all but certain nomination now seems in question. With Trump gaining in the polls, some people are […]

Brands in the News

Branding Advice for Donald Trump

23 May 2016  

Many people think Donald Trump has no chance of winning the upcoming presidential election. For example, the topic came up at a party I was at last weekend, and the consensus was that Trump has no chance. Polls certainly suggest this is the case. At the moment, they show that he will lose against either […]

Brands in the News

Why Chobani’s CEO Gave Away $500 Million

29 Apr 2016  

On Tuesday, Hamdi Ulukaya–founder and CEO of Chobani, the Greek yogurt giant–gave his employees 10% of the company. Each worker received a packet with a share grant commensurate with their tenure with the company. The gift came directly from the CEO. This is quite a gift. A private equity firm recently valued Chobani between $3 […]

Brands in the News

Communicating a Price Change

18 Apr 2016  

Two weeks ago I wrote on this blog about a new fee from Homeaway, a vacation home rental giant. I noted that the pricing move made good sense for a number of reasons. The post generated quite a response. I’ve received a series of comments, many of them thoughtful, from Homeaway and VRBO customers. The […]

Brands in the News

Student Loans and Buyer’s Regret

7 Apr 2016  

One of the big issues in the U.S. today is student loans. People are astonished at the debt young people are dealing with, and presidential candidates are proposing various solutions that range from lower interest rates to debt forgiveness. This all makes sense. Student loan debt is increasing at a dramatic pace because colleges are […]

Brands in the News

Why Homeaway’s New Fee Makes Sense

29 Mar 2016  

Home rental giant Homeaway recently began charging a new fee to travelers. This has caused an uproar in the rental world. Despite the initial adverse reaction, the fee is a smart idea. Homeaway is the largest home rental website in the world. It owns a range of sites including,, and Collectively, there […]

Career Advice

Always Help a Friend’s Cause

9 Mar 2016  

This week my daughter Claire and I have been asking local businesses to donate items for an upcoming silent auction event. In June, Claire will head to Panama on a service project with Amigos de Las Americas, a non-profit group that brings volunteer opportunities to high school and college students. To support the trip, the […]

Brands in the News

Playboy Wisely Covers Up

24 Feb 2016  

Last October Playboy announced a dramatic and surprising change – the brand would no longer publish pictures of nude women. It was a shocking announcement. Playboy, after all, was a pioneer among adult magazines. When Hugh Hefner launched the magazine in 1953, its defining characteristic was racy photography. Many people wondered where Playboy was heading with […]

Super Bowl

Super Bowl Advertising: 2016 Results

8 Feb 2016  

Super Bowl 50 was a remarkable event for advertisers. Brands were reported to be paying $5 million or more to run spots during the game. Overall, it was an impressive collection of advertising. Many of the spots had strong branding and communicated a benefit. Compared to last year, there was a notable competitive tone. We […]

Super Bowl

Super Bowl 50 Advertising: Pre-Game Outlook

4 Feb 2016  

This will be a big year for Super Bowl advertising. There are more than forty companies trying to break through the clutter. Each one is paying about $5 million for a thirty-second spot. Here are things to consider as you watch this year’s Super Bowl: 1.Will the ad drive the business and build the brand? […]

Super Bowl

Persil’s Super Bowl Statement

1 Feb 2016  

There will be several new advertisers on the Super Bowl this year. One unfamiliar name is Persil ProClean, a brand that will be making a statement with its spot. Persil is an enormous global business. The washing detergent dates back to 1907 and now has global sales of more than one billion euros. The brand is […]