Career Advice

The Marketer’s December Task: Look Back

18 Dec 2014  

We are close to the end of the year. This is an important time for marketers to take a look at the business and reflect on how things have gone. Business leaders don’t devote much time to looking back. There is constant pressure to update the plan and execute, so people tend to work on the […]

Career Advice

Irrational Optimism and CMOs

18 Aug 2014  

The Chief Marketing Officer Council is out today with the results of its annual survey of marketing leaders. I was struck by two figures: – 81% of marketing leaders believe that share growth is likely and attainable this year. – 10% of CMOs are worried about their jobs. These figures suggest that marketing executives are an […]

Career Advice

Financial Advice for Graduates

20 Jun 2014  

Today is Kellogg’s commencement ceremony. Hundreds of students will shortly walk across the stage and receive their degrees. I’m here at Ryan Field in Evanston getting ready to march in with the faculty. The graduates will then celebrate. And in the coming weeks they will begin their careers as business leaders. It is a time […]

Brands in the News, Career Advice

What HomeMade Pizza Can Teach Us About Success

4 Jun 2014  

This week HomeMade Pizza abruptly shut down. The Chicago-based company sold fresh pizzas through retail outlets. People stopped by the store, picked up a fresh pizza and then baked it at home. My wife loved the product so we had it a lot. The pizza was delicious; the cheese bubbled in a highly satisfying manner […]

Career Advice

Brands, Baseball and Missing the Call

2 Apr 2014  

Brayden King, one of my colleagues at Kellogg, is in the news this week with a new study about baseball. It is a fascinating bit of research and highlights why brands matter so much. King worked with Jerry Kim from Columbia Business School on the study. They looked at umpire accuracy, comparing the umpire’s call […]

Brands in the News, Career Advice

Branding Lessons from Jay Z

28 Oct 2013  

This week rapper Jay Z is dealing with some difficult branding challenges. Later this month Barneys will start selling a new line of products designed by Jay Z. The collection includes a watch, raincoat, shirts and other expensive items. Last week, however, two people accused Barneys of racial profiling. The stories hit the front page and received a […]

Career Advice

Kellogg Commencement Remarks

22 Jun 2013  

Yesterday I spoke at the Kellogg School of Management Commencement Ceremony; it is tradition for the winner of the L.G. Lavengood Professor of the Year Award to address the graduates. Here are my remarks. *    *    * Thank you so much for this award. I’d like to share with you one of my secrets to […]

Career Advice

Advice for the Graduates

14 Jun 2012  

Tomorrow more than 500 students will graduate from Kellogg. Many of them are my students; I’ve had the joy of teaching almost half of the group in my marketing strategy and biomedical marketing courses. I’ll be at the ceremony but I won’t be addressing the students tomorrow; I was a finalist for professor the year […]

Career Advice

Some Marketing Insight from Kellaway

1 May 2012  

Lucy Kellaway, columnist at the Financial Times, had a terrific column in yesterday’s paper. The article has some important insights about marketing and influencing. It is also highly entertaining. I recommend you read the article. Here is the link: ***** I’ve heard from a number of people that they’d like me to do more frequent blog updates, so I’m now planning […]

Career Advice

Lessons from Losing a House

21 Jan 2011  

Over the past few weeks, my wife and I have been bidding on a rather nifty house in Chicago.  We finally reached an agreement with the sellers but at the last instant another buyer showed up with a significantly higher offer and got the house. This was a huge disappointment for me. When I look back on how […]

Career Advice

Learning from a 4-H Market Pig Auction

17 Aug 2010  

You can learn a lot about marketing at a 4-H market pig auction. Last week I went to the Northwest Michigan Fair, a charming, old-time county fair, complete with the corn dogs, snow cones and “The World’s Biggest Alligator.”  My kids and I had a grand time inspecting farm animals and studying the newest Massey […]

Career Advice

A 2010 Resolution

1 Jan 2010  

I am not big into resolutions, but I think we all could benefit from this one: do not repeat Tiger’s mistakes.  It is now becoming quite clear that the Tiger brand machine is coming apart and it will be a long time until it recovers.  Yesterday AT&T announced that it was dropping Tiger Woods, following the lead […]