Career Advice

Time to Update the Marketing Plan

18 Mar 2020  

Many companies develop annual marketing plans. This is a natural approach – it aligns with the fiscal calendar of most firms, and it matches the natural pace of the year. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to revise the plan mid-stream. This is one of those times. A Different World Things have changed dramatically for companies […]

Career Advice

Financial Advice for Graduates – 2019

21 Jun 2019  

It is graduation week at Kellogg! Later today, students will walk across the stage, receive their degrees and head into the working world. For the past few years, I’ve posted some words of advice for the graduates, and I’m continuing the tradition. Today, I’m focusing on finances (I posted some similar financial advance in 2017). […]

Career Advice

Advice to Graduates: Develop Your Presentation Skills

19 Jun 2018  

It is graduation week here at Northwestern. On Friday, several hundred Kellogg MBA students will walk across the stage and receive their degrees. There will be speeches and hugs and celebrations— it’s a fun time of the year. Soon enough, the graduates will get to work. Some will start in a week or two, while […]

Career Advice

Back to School: Advice for Students

6 Sep 2017  

It is back to school time! All around the world, students are organizing school supplies, looking forward to seeing old friends and becoming sleepless with the excitement of a new academic year. It is a universal experience shared by pupils of all ages. My daughter Anna started school yesterday, and my MBA students at Northwestern […]

Career Advice

Branding Advice for Graduates

14 Jun 2017  

It is graduation time, an exciting and festive part of the year. Here at the Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, students are trying on robes and getting ready for the commencement ceremonies later this week. Recently I provided some financial advice for graduates. This article is to offer advice on building a strong personal brand. It is […]

Career Advice

Financial Advice for Graduates

1 Jun 2017  

In less than two weeks, more than 500 students will graduate from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. While I teach marketing strategy and branding, each year I provide some financial advice to the graduates. If you follow my blog this will be familiar. Some things change over the years, but the core concepts remain. Save […]

Career Advice

Notes from the Kellogg Healthcare Case Competition

24 Jan 2017  

This weekend Kellogg hosted the 14th annual Kellogg Biotech and Healthcare Case Competition. I help run the event. A total of sixty teams applied, and we selected eleven to compete. Representing ten different business schools, the list included Wharton, Chicago Booth, Tuck (Dartmouth), MIT Sloan, HEC Paris, Judge (Cambridge), Fuqua (Duke), Olin (Washington University), Berkeley […]

Career Advice

Being Great is Not Enough

16 Dec 2016  

Last week I helped pick teams to participate in the Kellogg Biotech and Healthcare Case Competition. This is an annual event held at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management in which eleven teams of business students from around the world gather to present their assessment of a business case and compete for a $5,000 cash […]

Career Advice

Branding Advice for Graduates

17 Jun 2016  

Today more than one thousand students will graduate from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. I’ve taught almost half of them. They will soon start at new jobs, branch out in different industries, and begin careers in cities around the world. It is an exciting moment, transitioning from one thing to the next. It is […]

Career Advice

Always Help a Friend’s Cause

9 Mar 2016  

This week my daughter Claire and I have been asking local businesses to donate items for an upcoming silent auction event. In June, Claire will head to Panama on a service project with Amigos de Las Americas, a non-profit group that brings volunteer opportunities to high school and college students. To support the trip, the […]

Career Advice

A Marketer Looks at Capitalism

13 Jul 2015  

Phil Kotler is well-known as one of the world’s top marketing thinkers. He did more than anyone to establish Kellogg’s reputation as a great marketing school. He is a prolific author on marketing topics. I suspect most people don’t know that Kotler trained as an economist, studying at the University of Chicago and MIT. In his […]

Career Advice

Financial Advice for Graduates

17 Jun 2015  

This week, almost one thousand people will graduate from Kellogg with their MBA degrees. They will then embark on careers that will span decades. Last year I posted some financial advice for the graduates, and some people found that useful, so this year I’m sticking with the theme. Those who read last year’s post will […]